YURC 2022

On April 30, 2022, YURC hosted an Undergraduate Conference, supporting Yale undergraduate students of underrepresented minority populations to present their research across a wide discipline of subjects.

Explore our 2022 programming booklet here.

Keynote Speakers

  • Dr. Larry Gladney is the Phyllis A. Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development and Professor of Physics at Yale University. In July 2022, he also assumed the role of FAS Dean of Science. Gladney’s research focuses on the intersection of experimental particle physics and cosmology, where he attempts to understand the origins of and fundamental connections between matter, energy, space, and time. He is particularly interested in future explorations of the cause for the accelerated expansion of the universe.

  • Dr. Rene Almeling is Professor of Sociology at Yale University. Her primary research and teaching interests are in gender, medicine, and reproduction. Dr. Almeling is the author of two award-winning books: Sex Cells offers an inside look at the American market for egg and sperm donors, and GUYnecology examines the causes and consequences of inattention to male reproductive health.

  • Dr. Joan Steitz is a Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University and Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Steitz is best known for her pioneering work in RNA. She and her student Michael Lerner discovered and defined the function of small ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) in pre-messenger RNA—the earliest product of DNA transcription—and was the first to learn that these cellular complexes (snRNPs) play a key role in processing messenger RNA by excising noncoding regions and splicing together the resulting segments.


The Yale Undergraduate Research Association would like to thank the Yale Departments of Spanish and Portuguese, Religious Studies, and Germanic Languages for supporting the 2022 Conference.